Your path to aviation compliance and licensing success
ComplAir streamlines aviation compliance, providing courses in SMS, EASA and ICAO regulatory overviews, and assisting you in acquiring the necessary knowledge for documents and compliance to obtain an operating license, ensuring a smoother, safer journey in the industry.
I am committed to helping you navigate the complexities of the aviation industry. My tailored solutions ensure that whether you're a small operator or a larger enterprise, you're well-prepared, compliant, and positioned for success in this highly regulated field.
Regulatory overview – EASA and ICAO
Have you been nominated or appointed a position with a service provider, and you are preparing for your acceptance interview with the CAA?
If you are not too confident with EASA regulations and ICAO documentations (Standards and Recommended Practices – SARPS)
Or you are just seeking more knowledge in the position you have today.
I will help you to get the knowledge you need.
Introduction to SMS
Two days course, where we go through why we need SMS and how we prepare for an implementation of SMS, whether you are a small operator or a bigger one.
Do you know the 4 components and in total the 12 elements?
Let me make it easier for you to understand - from theory to practical approach.
Advanced SMS
Do you have experience from SMS work within your organisation? Or do you struggle to convince the top management the importance of an effective SMS?
Maybe you feel you don’t have the required mandate in your important management role.
This is a 3-day course, we do some recurrent on the SMS philosophy and the theory, then learn how to use different assessment tools so you become confident in how you assess your already established SMS.
Documents and compliance
Are you planning to establish a new company and seeking approval for an operator license? How do you prepare yourself for the applications and to make sure you are compliant. Whether it’s fixed wing, helicopter, ATO, unmanned or other applications, I will help you get started.
Ready to take your aviation knowledge to new heights?
Reach out today to inquire about our courses and start your journey toward expertise and compliance